Diagnostic classification

A brief introduction

W. Jake Thompson, Ph.D.

Conceptual foundations

  • Traditional assessments and psychometric models measure an overall skill or ability
  • Assume a continuous latent trait

A normal distribution with images of Taylor Swift from each era overlayed.

Traditional methods

  • The output is a weak ordering of albums due to error in estimates
    • Confident Taylor Swift (debut) is the worst
    • Not confident on ordering toward the middle of the distribution
  • Limited in the types of questions that can be answered.
    • Why is Taylor Swift (debut) so low?
    • What aspects do each album demonstrate proficiency or competency of?
    • How much skill is “enough” to be competent?

Music example

  • Rather than measuring overall musical knowledge, we can break music down into set of skills or attributes
    • Songwriting
    • Production
    • Vocals

Three circles representing the 3 attributes. The bottom half of each circle is shaded dark, and the top half is light, to indicate there are two categories for each attribute.

  • Attributes are categorical, often dichotomous (e.g., proficient vs. non-proficient)

Diagnostic classification models

  • DCMs place individuals into groups according to proficiency of multiple attributes
songwriting production vocals
Xmark Check Check
Check Xmark Check
Check Check Check

Answering more questions

  • Why is Taylor Swift (debut) so low?
    • Subpar songwriting, production, and vocals
  • What aspects are albums competent/proficient in?
    • DCMs provide classifications directly

Diagnostic psychometrics

  • Designed to be multidimensional
  • No continuum of student achievement
  • Categorical constructs
    • Usually binary (e.g., master/nonmaster, proficient/not proficient)
  • Several different names in the literature
    • Diagnostic classification models (DCMs)
    • Cognitive diagnostic models (CDMs)
    • Skills assessment models
    • Latent response models
    • Restricted latent class models

Benefits of DCMs

  • Fine-grained, multidimensional results
  • Incorporates complex item structures
  • High reliability with fewer items

Results from DCM-based assessments

songwriting production vocals
Xmark Xmark Xmark
Check Xmark Xmark
Check Xmark Xmark
Check Check Check
Xmark Check Check
Check Xmark Check
Xmark Xmark Check
Check Check Check
Check Check Check
Check Xmark Xmark
Check Check Check
Check Xmark Check
Check Xmark Xmark
Xmark Check Check
  • No scale, no overall “ability”
  • Students are probabilistically placed into classes
    • Classes are represented by skill profiles
  • Feedback on specific skills as defined by the cognitive theory and test design

Fine-grained feedback

  • Distinguish between respondents who may have similar scale scores
songwriting production vocals
Check Xmark Xmark
Check Xmark Xmark
Check Check Check
Check Xmark Check
Xmark Xmark Check
Check Check Check
Check Xmark Xmark
Xmark Check Check

Item structures for DCMs

  • Item structure: Which skills are measured by each item?

    • Simple structure: Item measures a single skill
    • Complex structure: Item measures 2+ skills
  • Defined by Q-matrix

  • Interactions between attributes when an item measures multiple skills driven by cognitive theory and/or empirical evidence

    • Can proficiency of one skill compensate for non-proficiency of another?
    • Are skill acquired in a particular order (e.g., hierarchy)?
item songwriting production vocals
1 1 0 0
2 0 0 1
3 0 1 0
4 1 1 0
5 1 0 1
6 0 1 0
7 0 1 0
8 1 0 1
9 0 0 1
10 1 0 1
11 1 1 0
12 0 1 1
13 0 0 1
14 1 0 1
15 1 1 0
16 0 1 0
17 1 0 0
18 1 1 0
19 1 0 0
20 1 0 1
21 0 0 1

Classification reliability

  • Easier to categorize than place along a continuum
  • Can set a proficiency threshold to optimize Type 1 or Type 2 errors

Line graph showing a normal distribution with a peak around 1.5.

Normal distribution with peak at 1.5 on top of categorical x-axis where values less than 0 are labelled 'Not Proficient' and values greater than 0 are labelled 'Proficient.'

Normal distribution with peak at 1.5 on top of categorical x-axis where values less than 1 are labelled 'Not Proficient' and values greater than 1 are labelled 'Proficient.'

When are DCMs appropriate?

Success depends on:

  1. Domain definitions
    • What are the attributes we’re trying to measure?
    • Are the attributes measurable (e.g., with assessment items)?
  2. Alignment of purpose between assessment and model
    • Is classification the purpose?

Example applications

  • Educational measurement: The competencies that student is or is not proficient in
    • Latent knowledge, skills, or understandings
    • Used for tailored instruction and remediation
  • Psychiatric assessment: The DSM criteria that an individual meets
    • Broader diagnosis of a disorder

When are DCMs not appropriate?

  • When the goal is to place individuals on a scale

  • DCMs do not distinguish within classes

songwriting production vocals
Check Check Check
Check Check Check

Conceptual foundation summary

  • DCMs are psychometric models designed to classify
    • We can define our attributes in any way that we choose
    • Items depend on the attribute definitions
    • Classifications are probabilistic
    • Takes fewer items to classify than to rank/scale
  • DCMs provide valuable information with more feasible data demands than other psychometric models
    • Higher reliability than IRT/MIRT models
    • Naturally accommodates multidimensionality
    • Complex item structures possible
    • Criterion-referenced interpretations
    • Alignment of assessment goals and psychometric model

Statistical foundations

Statistical foundation

  • Latent class models use responses to probabilistically place individuals into latent classes

  • DCMs are confirmatory latent class models

    • Latent classes specified a priori as attribute profiles
    • Q-matrix specifies item-attribute structure
    • Person parameters are attribute proficiency probabilities


  • Respondents (r): The individuals from whom behavioral data are collected

    • For today, this is dichotomous assessment item responses
    • Not limited to only item responses in practice
  • Items (i): Assessment questions used to classify/diagnose respondents

  • Attributes (a): Unobserved latent categorical characteristics underlying the behaviors (i.e., diagnostic status)

    • Latent variables
  • Diagnostic Assessment: The method used to elicit behavioral data

Attribute profiles

  • With binary attributes, there are 2A possible profiles

  • Example 3-attribute assessment:

[0, 0, 0]
[1, 0, 0]
[0, 1, 0]
[0, 0, 1]
[1, 1, 0]
[1, 0, 1]
[0, 1, 1]
[1, 1, 1]

DCMs as latent class models

\[ \color{#D55E00}{P(X_r=x_r)} = \sum_{c=1}^C\color{#009E73}{\nu_c} \prod_{i=1}^I\color{#56B4E9}{\pi_{ic}^{x_{ir}}(1-\pi_{ic})^{1 - x_{ir}}} \]

Observed data: Probability of observing examinee r's item reponses
Structural component: Proportion of examinees in each class
Measurement component: Product of item response probabilities

Structural models

\[ \color{#D55E00}{P(X_r=x_r)} = \sum_{c=1}^C\color{#009E73}{\nu_c} \prod_{i=1}^I\color{#56B4E9}{\pi_{ic}^{x_{ir}}(1-\pi_{ic})^{1 - x_{ir}}} \]

Structural component: Proportion of examinees in each class
  • Prevalence of each class in the population
    • ν1 + ν2 + … + νc = 1
  • Typically unconstrained

Measurement models

\[ \color{#D55E00}{P(X_r=x_r)} = \sum_{c=1}^C\color{#009E73}{\nu_c} \prod_{i=1}^I\color{#56B4E9}{\pi_{ic}^{x_{ir}}(1-\pi_{ic})^{1 - x_{ir}}} \]

Measurement component: Product of item response probabilities
  • Traditional psychometrics: Item response theory, classical test theory
    • A single, unidimensional construct
    • Student results estimated on a continuum
    • Performance on individual items determined by an “item characteristic curve”
  • DCMs: Many different options

A logistic curve showing the probability of providing a correct response.

Two logistic curves showing the probability of providing a correct response for two items.

Three logistic curves showing the probability of providing a correct response for three items.

Three logistic curves showing the probability of providing a correct response for three items, and 1 logistic curve showing the probabiliyt of providing an incorrect response for a fourth item.

Diagnostic assessment items

  • Can be multidimensional

  • No continuum of student achievement

  • Categorical constructs

    • Usually binary (e.g., master/nonmaster, proficient/not proficient)

DCM measurement models

  • Items can measure one or both attributes

  • Different DCMs define πic in different ways

    • Each DCM makes different assumptions about how attributes proficiencies combine/interact to produce an item response
  • Item characteristic bar charts

Single-attribute DCM item

  • Item measures just attribute 1

  • Respondents who are proficient on attribute 1 have high probability of correct response, regardless of other attributes

Bar graph showing a high probability of providing a correct response when proficient on attribute 1.

Multi-attribute items

  • When items measure multiple attributes, what level of mastery is needed in order to provide a correct response?

  • Many different types of DCMs that define this probability differently

    • Compensatory (e.g., DINO)
    • Noncompensatory (e.g., DINA)
    • Partially compensatory (e.g., C-RUM)
  • General diagnostic models (e.g., LCDM)

  • Each DCM makes different assumptions about how attributes proficiencies combine/interact to produce an item response

Compensatory DCMs

  • Item measures attributes 1 and 2

  • Must be proficient in at least 1 attribute measured by the item to provide a correct response

  • Deterministic inputs, noisy “or” gate (DINO; Templin & Henson, 2006)

Bar graph showing a high probability of providing a correct response when proficient on either attribute 1 or attribute 2.

Non-compensatory DCMs

  • Item measures attributes 1 and 2

  • Must be proficient in all attributes measured by the item to provide a correct response

  • Deterministic inputs, noisy “and” gate (DINA; de la Torre & Douglas, 2004)

Bar graph showing a high probability of providing a correct response when proficient on both attribute 1 and attribute 2.

Partially Compensatory DCMs

  • Separate increases for each acquired attribute

  • Compensatory reparameterized unified model (C-RUM; Hartz, 2002)

Bar graph showing a high probability of providing a correct response when proficient on both attribute 1 and attribute 2 and a moderate probability when only proficient on one of the attributes.

Which DCM to use?

  • DINO, DINA, and C-RUM are just 3 of the MANY models that are available

  • Each model comes with its own set of restrictions, and we typically have to specify a single model that is used for all items (software constraint)

  • General form diagnostic models

    • Flexible; can subsume other more restrictive models
    • Again, several possibilities (e.g., G-DINA, GDM, LCDM)

General DCMs

  • Different response probabilities for each class (partially compensatory)

  • Log-linear cognitive diagnostic model (LCDM; Henson et al., 2009)

  • This will be our focus

Bar graph showing a high probability of providing a correct response when proficient on both attribute 1 and attribute 2 and a moderate probability when only proficient on one of the attributes.

Simple structure LCDM

Item measures only 1 attribute

\[ \text{logit}(X_i = 1) = \color{#D7263D}{\lambda_{i,0}} + \color{#219EBC}{\lambda_{i,1(1)}}\color{#009E73}{\alpha} \]

λi,0: Log-odds when not proficient
λi,1(1): Increase in log-odds when proficient
α: Attribute proficiency status (either 0 or 1)

Subscript notation

  • i = The item to which the parameter belongs
  • e = The level of the effect
    • 0 = intercept
    • 1 = main effect
    • 2 = two-way interaction
    • 3 = three-way interaction
    • Etc.
  • 1,…) = The attributes to which the effect applies
    • The same number of attributes as listed in subscript 2

Complex structure LCDM

Item measures multiple attributes

\[ \text{logit}(X_i = 1) = \color{#D7263D}{\lambda_{i,0}} + \color{#4B3F72}{\lambda_{i,1(1)}\alpha_1} + \color{#9589BE}{\lambda_{i,1(2)}\alpha_2} + \color{#219EBC}{\lambda_{i,2(1,2)}\alpha_1\alpha_2} \]

Log-odds when proficient in neither attribute
Increase in log-odds when proficient in attribute 1
Increase in log-odds when proficient in attribute 2
Change in log-odds when proficient in both attributes

Defining DCM structures

  • Attribute and item relationships are defined in the Q-matrix

  • Q-matrix

    • I \(\times\) A matrix
    • 0 = Attribute is not measured by the item
    • 1 = Attribute is measured by the item

The LCDM as a general DCM

  • So called “general” DCM because the LCDM subsumes other DCMs

  • Constraints on item parameters make LCDM equivalent to other DCMs (e.g., DINA and DINO)

    • DINA
      • Only the intercept and highest-order interaction are non-0
    • DINO
      • All main effects are equal
      • All two-way interactions are -1 \(\times\) main effect
      • All three-way interactions are -1 \(\times\) two-way interaction (i.e., equal to main effects)
      • Etc.
    • C-RUM
      • Only the intercept and main effects are non-0 (i.e., interactions are not estimated)
    • Interactive Shiny app: https://atlas-aai.shinyapps.io/dcm-probs/

From model parameters to respondents

  • Respondent estimates come from combining the estimated model parameters with the response data

  • For DCMs, a similar process to that for IRT

IRT respondent estimate

  • Multiply the ICCs together

    • Multiply the response probabilities together for each value of the trait
  • Student estimate is the peak of the curve

  • Spread of the curve represents uncertainty in estimate

Line graph in the shape of normal distribution. A dashed vertical line indicates the location of the peak of the curve.

DCM respondent estimate

  • Multiply the response probabilities together for each class
  • Multiply the item response likelihoods by structural parameters
  • Class probabilities are the class likelihoods divided by the total likelihood

Bar graphs showing the response probabilities for each class for 4 items, where the fourth item was answered incorrectly.

Bar graph showing the product of the item response probabilities for each class.

Bar graph showing the likelihood for each class.

Bar graph showing the probability that the respondent belongs to each class.

From class to attribute probabilities

  • For each attribute, sum the class probabilities where that attribute is present

Songwriting: 84.3%

Production: 45.3%

Vocals: 88.2%

songwriting production vocals probability
0 0 0 0.012
1 0 0 0.055
0 1 0 0.007
0 0 1 0.062
1 1 0 0.043
1 0 1 0.416
0 1 1 0.077
1 1 1 0.329

songwriting production vocals probability
0 0 0 0.012
1 0 0 0.055
0 1 0 0.007
0 0 1 0.062
1 1 0 0.043
1 0 1 0.416
0 1 1 0.077
1 1 1 0.329

songwriting production vocals probability
0 0 0 0.012
1 0 0 0.055
0 1 0 0.007
0 0 1 0.062
1 1 0 0.043
1 0 1 0.416
0 1 1 0.077
1 1 1 0.329


The rest of today

Diagnostic classification models

A brief introduction